Sunday, February 15, 2009

Commander & Chief

President Barack Obama, Americas new commander and chief, to me is a symbol of progresive change in our country. Obama's symbolism is depicted very well through the "War and Freedom" quilt that displayed many historical men and women in service. Obama inspires the youth community to make it known that anything is possible. This possibility became evident on January 20th, when Barack Obama was Inaugurated into the white house as the first African American president he changed not only America but the entire world. The historical figures on the quilt proves that as Obama goes through his journey as president he remembers the many others great leaders before him that strived to make a difference. One figure i recall is an African american woman in the army. Her presence on the quilt, near Obama, is one example of a being that Obama respects and looks up too as he continues his conquest of changing our nation. Furthermore Obama is not only a symbol of change but a symbol of America as one nation. I draw this conclusion because in addition to the historical figures, the quilt had a copy of the constitution of the United States woven into it.

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